Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

At a Glance

Total area: 18 sq km.

Total population: 34,550.

Male: 18,000.

Women: 18,550.

Number of mouzas: 4

1. Khayakhali, 2. Seventy-nine neighborhoods, 3. Pahartali, 4. Dewanpur.

Total number of villages: 4

1. Khayakhali, 2. Seventy-nine neighborhoods, 3. Pahartali, 4. Dewanpur.

Educational Institutions: 21

1. University of Engineering and Technology: 1.

2. Colleges: 3

3. Secondary schools: 6

4. Government primary schools: 11

5. Madrasas: 4

Union Health Complex: 1.

Community Clinics: 3
Power plants: 1.
Banks: 6
NGOs: 12
Hats and markets: 2
Net crop land: 900 hectares
Religious Institutions: 6
Mosques: 31
Temples: 24
Pagodas: 12
Canals: 4 canals.
Orphanage: 2
Orphanage: 2
Shelter project: 1.